Blind Center of Nevada
F. Marion Keele, founder of the Blind Center of Nevada, was motivated to create a sanctuary in Las Vegas dedicated to assisting the blind when he lost his sight at the age of 38. Marion and his wife, Effie, spent time at the Utah Blind Center in Salt Lake City, where they learned to teach various crafts and skills to their blind companions. When Marion passed away in 1955, one of his students, Audrey Bascom Tait, took on Marion’s mission, and convinced the Lion’s Club to help her create a place to help the blind see beyond their limitations. Thus, the Sightless Center was born. In the early 2000’s the Las Vegas valley’s blind and visually impaired population was growing, and the “Sightless Center” went through a tremendous metamorphosis. The renamed “Blind Center of Nevada” brought on a community-based Board of Directors, opened an award-winning day center, began offering daily transportation, hot meals, and much more—all with the mission of helping blind individuals see beyond their limitations and discover their personal greatness.

Marion Keele